The Update

Everything your should know about UPDATE food.

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Update Low Carb logo
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Update 1 code

We recommend to eat it at any time of the day, but in a normal, reasonable extent.Dishes dont contain sugar added by us, but instead as a world novelty they are made with prebiotic sweetener. For cakes noodles and pastas we use a special substitute flour that contains 95% less carbohydrate. In reality it means vegetable proteins and valuable fibers. They are characterized by a law glycemic index, they cause satiety, and because of the high fiber cleanse the intestines, help in diet and they are easiliy adaptable to a diabetic diet as well. Those who spend all day dining on the basis of code 1, can lose weight easily and efficiently in a pleasureable way. To rate a dish as code 1 it is very important ascpect that it should contain at least 50% less absorbable carbonhydrates compared to ordinary food. (Some of the carbohydrates are not able to transform into sugar and they just simply go through your body. These are called non-absorbable carbohydrates.)

Update 2 code

These dishes meet all the above mentioned requirements, but are only reduced in carbohydrate with 30%. They can slightly contain brown rice, potatoe or maybe grains and fructose. You can also eat these food at lunch-time but they are especially advantageous before doing sports or during physical work activities. These are complete natural carbohydrate components. Update method only prefers food that is vitamin, fiber and protein-rich and which contains complex and natural carbohydrate.

Update 3 code

This category contains sugary, fatty, floury food that are rich in processed and refined carbohydrates. Basically these are ordinary carbondydrates. Refined sugar and ordinary flour is added to them. They suddenly increase blood sugar level and encourage your body to raise more insulin so they generate constant hunger and overeating. This isnt developed by Update.

You dont have to starve, you can eat 3-4 times a day. I suggest a half-hour sport every day, but not for weight loss but to preserve general, excellent health and mental condition. I suggest Update for a lifetime, because itnot a cure but a way of living without fattening and starvation. We seek to save more and more people from being overweight and from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Sacrifice more for the quality of your life now, not later for medicines!

Good Luck!

Réka and Norbi